Smart and intelligent are the same. Smart people don't rush to sign their children up for an experimental injection designed to depopulate the planet in the name of "protecting the children" against a disease children don't get, don't get symptoms from if they do get it, don't transmit asymptomatically, and don't die from.
It is a shocking, unspeakable, civilization-breaking violation of our trust in the medical profession worldwide—and a horrifying, alarmingly heinous crime of mass medical malpractice—to be advocating vaccination and vaccinating children for this.
I know, perhaps I should have used another word. They are intelligent people.
Smart and intelligent are the same. Smart people don't rush to sign their children up for an experimental injection designed to depopulate the planet in the name of "protecting the children" against a disease children don't get, don't get symptoms from if they do get it, don't transmit asymptomatically, and don't die from.
It is a shocking, unspeakable, civilization-breaking violation of our trust in the medical profession worldwide—and a horrifying, alarmingly heinous crime of mass medical malpractice—to be advocating vaccination and vaccinating children for this.
I totally agree, you are spot on. These are some of the same data points I used in my email to the school.
I believe that a worldwide reckoning is coming for both the medical and educational communities as well.