Page 758 (or 785 in the counter of the pdf)
11.7AUTHORITY OF THE OCCUPYING POWEROVER INHABITANTSThe Occupying Power’s authority over inhabitants of occupied territory derives from its war powers and from its duty to ensure public order and safety in occupied territory. The Occupying Power, as a belligerent State, may take such measures of control and security in regard to protected persons as may be necessary as a result of the war.124 In addition, the Occupying Power may take measures necessary to fulfill its duty to ensure public order and safety.
Page 758 (or 785 in the counter of the pdf) 11.7AUTHORITY OF THE OCCUPYING POWEROVER INHABITANTSThe Occupying Power’s authority over inhabitants of occupied territory derives from its war powers and from its duty to ensure public order and safety in occupied territory. The Occupying Power, as a belligerent State, may take such measures of control and security in regard to protected persons as may be necessary as a result of the war.124 In addition, the Occupying Power may take measures necessary to fulfill its duty to ensure public order and safety.
I thought that since China installed a puppet leadership in D.C., China is the occupying power.
This is the main theory.