When you spray over developing thunderstorms as has happened in southern Oregon 14 May 2021, you stop or \severely impact the amount of rain delivery to the holocaust of drought that is being maintained over the Far West. This weather modification process is called "CAPPING" or "CAPPING IT OFF".
Sir, I don't mean to impugn your knowledge or experience or that you may lack INTEGRITY, but you obviously know very little about how drought is manufactured and maintained. Or Sir, is it that you know WAY TOO MUCH.
When you spray over developing t-storms, you stabilize the upper atmosphere. Thunderstorm clouds need altitude to reach the cold air moisture and gather it. Surely General, you have heard the phrase, "those clouds are pregnant with rain". When the upper atmosphere is aerosoled, the potential t-storm clouds never reach the point of gathering moisture - the gathering of which is created by God. The clouds start pregnant but then get - wait for it - ABORTED. Geoengineering DROUGHT is the ABORTION OF PRECIPITATION by well understood mechanical and chemical means. Climate fucking change is real you boobs, and is called GEOENGINEERING and is an abomination to ALL LIFE.
Saint Micha'el, Prince of the Heavenly Army, please take them very, very soon. We know some in the Alliance will be revealed for their support of the MANUFACTURED ABOMINATION OF DROUGHT. They will have excuses. They will claim ignorance. They will lie for they are of their Father. Look up and pray.
Exceptional drought in my area too..not one drop of rain this year.