If you pay the bills, up her health and life insurance policy, and make sure it covers vaccine related injury or death. When she asks why you did that, tell her you have good reason to be genuinely worried about her health, and are simply acting for the best interest of your family. Don't bother trying to "mansplain" or tell her what to do with her body, fighting about it isn't going to solve anything. Just let her figure it for herself after you have demonstrated your genuine concern for her health.
If you pay the bills, up her health and life insurance policy, and make sure it covers vaccine related injury or death. When she asks why you did that, tell her you have good reason to be genuinely worried about her health, and are simply acting for the best interest of your family. Don't bother trying to "mansplain" or tell her what to do with her body, fighting about it isn't going to solve anything. Just let her figure it for herself after you have demonstrated your genuine concern for her health.