Are people retarded?
? These people are stupid!
I live in a very lefty area and lately tons of handwringing on social media about “how will we know who is vaccinated?” The person asking this is always presumably vaccinated.
Do they not understand that them being VACCINATED means that they are VAC-CIN-ATED? I.e. the point of the VACCINE is to protect you against the VIRUS. So why do you give a shit if someone else has it - you are VACCINATED & PROTECTED (other controversies aside).
I think these are some of the stupidest people I have ever encountered. Boggles the mind.
When the vaxxed are 'shedding', what are they shedding? My understanding (complete layman here) is that the mRNA infects their cells to make a spike protein which is a 'mimic of a part' of the Covid 19 virus, and that replicates to the rest of their cells that reproduce themselves due to natural die-off and replacement. Their immune system detects this spike protein and then builds antibodies to defend against the spike. (the thought is to decrease the probability of a cytokine storm event if/when the Covid actually does infect them) When someone sheds, via fluids or breath (which are fluids, again), my understanding is that the mRNA is done - will they just be shedding cells with the spike protein? Is that infectious? or is the mRNA still present in their fluids and can be spread that way? I can't seem to find a reliable answer to that one.