A little over a week ago my wife finally took the red pill. It has been difficult for her to accept the truth but she is there now (CV-19 must be red pilling people en masse). 2 days ago she sent me a screen shot of #916. She wanted to know what the meaning of "saving Israel for last" is. I didn't even have to introduce her to Q, she found it on her own.
I provided her a link to the Q post archive. I'm interested in what she will discover. I plan to show her some of the proofs when she eventually asks how legit Q is.
If normies can find Q this easily, hope exists. This would explain why the MSM is in panic mode over Q. Q is no longer fringe, it's mainstream.
I mentioned it one time and I was told it was a "conspiracy theory". So it was never mentioned again. She didn't even remember it. This was back in 2017. I did drop some info along the way without mentioning the source.
Incredible restraint