A little over a week ago my wife finally took the red pill. It has been difficult for her to accept the truth but she is there now (CV-19 must be red pilling people en masse). 2 days ago she sent me a screen shot of #916. She wanted to know what the meaning of "saving Israel for last" is. I didn't even have to introduce her to Q, she found it on her own.
I provided her a link to the Q post archive. I'm interested in what she will discover. I plan to show her some of the proofs when she eventually asks how legit Q is.
If normies can find Q this easily, hope exists. This would explain why the MSM is in panic mode over Q. Q is no longer fringe, it's mainstream.
Back when Q began I just told my family.."I don't know if all this is legit or not, but it reads like the most fascinating Tom Clancey novel." I would throw out "q dropped today and said...." then when things were reported on msm, I would say I knew that two months ago...interesting it's just now being reported here. Then hubs would occasionally ask...anything new from Q? If there was I would elaborate. My grown daughters got interested and he would eavesdrop on our conversations. I had the cupcake but even people who love cupcakes will resist if you try to shove one down their throat. He is all in now. As the line goes in my big fat Greek wedding...a man is the head of the house but the woman is the neck.