posted ago by QDay ago by QDay +24 / -1

America and White Collar Crime

We are seeing society unravel and it is because we have been baited into divisive tactics of race and gender at the hands of the cruel cabal. One thing is clear to me as I have lived all over the world, American's in general are not racists or divisive but we are minds are being manipulated by the media.

To start off, we need to disregard the left and right wings narrative about both sides of the topic and stop letting the string pullers manipulate our talking points. Don't let them divide you over race or gender.

In general people of all races & sexes in America are driven by capitalistic opportunity. The lefts talking points is that cops are murdering black americans. The rights talking points are that blacks produce more crime and we go around in circles.

Both sides of the argument are correct but that is not the real narrative. The story that is often not spoken about is why blacks are involved in more crime and that is the root cause of the problem.

Earlier I mentioned we are not racists and are all people driven by capitalism. The root cause of the issue is that blacks in society often tend to get into illegal opportunities to make a living and get out of section 9 housing etc. Society goes after these crimes and this ends up creating many fatherless homes and punishes the black community. Are blacks more prone to illegal activities then whites? IMHO, NO they are not. Our society just punishes blacks who engage in crimes dealing with drugs, prostitution, sex trafficking etc.

White-collar crime is generally non-violent in nature and includes public corruption, health care fraud, mortgage fraud, securities fraud, and money laundering, to name a few. If I were to guess white collar crime is committed at a scale just as rampant as black americans. But these crimes usually go unpunished and/or are neglected.

This has been something that has been on my mind lately as society is being torn apart. I know deep down that the narrative is being skewed and the best way we can break that narrative is to address the real problem. The cabal and political leaders are probably the most corrupt when it comes to white collar crimes. Politicians tried to take Trump down by making people believe he was committing white collar crimes left and right. However, they had no actual evidence of this. Most politicians and elites are engaged in white collar crimes and Trump knows this. So at the end of the day we should all be fighting back against the racial division that the media is peddling and deflect that narrative. The real problem is the criminals who go unpunished for white collar crimes in society who have robbed us for decades.