posted ago by ilikehats ago by ilikehats +28 / -0

I want to say I saw through the mask BS from the beginning. It started with “Masks aren’t necessary.” And then moved to “Everyone must mask.” Why do a complete 180 in a matter of days/weeks? My logical thinking at the time was (wait for it...) ANTIFA/BLM “peaceful protests.” What batter way is there for people to feel anonymous in a destructive crowd of lawlessness than making it mandatory to hide your face? If the criminals can’t be identified they feel free to Burn Loot Murder as much as possible. Last year’s uprising in the streets was absolutely manufactured to make Trump look bad. The more unrest in the cities the better the Dems looked for opposing Trump. If you can’t be id’d when committing crime after crime, you are emboldened to commit more severe crime. Pepperidge Farms remembers all the talking heads in the MSM stoking the flames of “racial injustice.” “Come on, you’re owed. Burn more. Loot more. Murder more.” OMG! Cities on fire! “Nothing to see here. Just a mostly peaceful protest. No biggie.” It was just one angle in the plan to rig an election from the beginning. I am very interested in hearing others’ thoughts on this take.