posted ago by FreeSpeechAnon ago by FreeSpeechAnon +129 / -0

Since my swimming example went over so well, here's another verbatim conversation i had an hour or so ago at a Lowe's (gotta get the chlorine where you can find it these days).

The point of these posts is to highlight that we need to throw their crap right back in their faces. Screw liberalism - it's a mental disorder and not treating it as such is harmful to society.

In the self check-out area:

Karen: "you know you really ought to wear a mask when in a store".

Me: "you know you really ought to mind your own business when you don't know if the guy checking out in front of you is fucking nuts".

I finished up and dropped my wallet intentionally to expose my concealed firearm. Karen was visibly shaken.

They're the crazy ones. Treat em as such.