When AZ was called for Biden on election night, we were crushed. This is OUR state. Now to have a front row seat to witness that AZ might actually save our Republic!! Nothing beats this!!!
Fox News calling AZ was the signal flair to all battleground states to stop counting and "go home." There was no reason at all to call AZ. They were still voting on the west coast!
They saw Trump mop up FL with historic minority votes and they knew Joe was toast. Trump had FL, IA, and OH in the bag and it was clear Trump would win an a landslide.
That's why Fox called AZ. To stop the count. They knew they would need massive fraud and ballot stuffing to pull it out. Trump had a 700,000 vote lead in PA!
The key moment was calling AZ. It all started with AZ. That's why AZ is the first domino.
When AZ was called for Biden on election night, we were crushed. This is OUR state. Now to have a front row seat to witness that AZ might actually save our Republic!! Nothing beats this!!!
Fox News calling AZ was the signal flair to all battleground states to stop counting and "go home." There was no reason at all to call AZ. They were still voting on the west coast!
They saw Trump mop up FL with historic minority votes and they knew Joe was toast. Trump had FL, IA, and OH in the bag and it was clear Trump would win an a landslide.
That's why Fox called AZ. To stop the count. They knew they would need massive fraud and ballot stuffing to pull it out. Trump had a 700,000 vote lead in PA!
The key moment was calling AZ. It all started with AZ. That's why AZ is the first domino.