This is not a doom post. This is a what if scenario based off of recent news and developments.
It is my understanding of the Q posts and seeing them reposted here and other forums, that the "First Arrest will shock you" forgive me if I do not have exact, my work blocks the Q archives.
Last week it was reported that Trump had left Mar A Lago for NJ for the summer. FL supposedly does not have to honor extradition and Trump would have some arrest security by staying in FL. I saw that blurb of a news story floated around the last few weeks. Obviously, the DS would scream and howl that Desantis was playing politics and the whole thing was tainted, etc, even though it is purely political. Especially with criminal investigation which was started today. You can see the bloodlust to remove Trump from any potential future office. A criminal conviction would certainly take care of that.
What if Trump is the first arrest? You have to show the people. You have to show the absolute corruption of these prosecutors. They won't find anything, but imagine the deflation some recent people who have woken up or red pilled, if Trump was arrested. The DS would absolutely go bat shit crazy in my opinion to rub the fact that he was arrested for what ever fake crime they conjure up. It would be wall to wall coverage for the world to see. The DS would not be able to contain their joy putting on a display of hubris that will be the final plug in the cesspool swamp draining. They would pull the plug themselves. When can you introduce evidence? that was a Q drop. We thought it might be Rudy, but they did not execute the full search warrant by leaving Hunters laptop, right?
Trump has always been 10 steps ahead and maybe this is the contingency. By him being in NJ, he is taunting the DS to make their next move, the big move, he doesn't have the extradition protections while in NJ and appears vulnerable. Appear weak when you are strong.
Maybe that would be the catalyst to take eyes off of Arizona. Hell, the alien/UFO stories, have not even taken eyes off of AZ.
Just some thoughts. There is so much information, misinformation, misdirection, the fog and chaos of the situation. Just someone trying to prepare and trying to understand.
This is interesting for a number of reasons. CaptainChrisBacon is right to say that they would already have Trump if there was anything to find out about him. Forgive the pun, but all they could have would be trumped-up charges with less weight than air, and discovery from Trump's lawyers would sink them.
Having said that, it is of note that the greatest leaders of the 20th century, popular men who changed entire nations and led them into freedom, were harassed the way gamrob is suggesting might happen to Trump. Forgetting politics for the sake of discussion, Gandhi and Mandela were both harassed by the state and both men spent time in prison, which only seemed to keep them in the spotlight and increase their popularity. I do not think the latter will happen to Trump, but if he were ever to allow himself to be arrested, the effect would be devastating to the deep state, and I think they must know it, even if their blind hatred leads them to continue trying to punish a "former" president of the United States. He would become a bona fide martyr who towers over the political landscape like Everest. The entire country would explode with patriots demanding justice on the perpetrators, and Trump's popularity would only expand to include people who are as yet uncommitted, inciting them to action they would never have taken before.
But there is also this to consider: Intel suggests that the patriots who have been managing things in the background want to keep things as calm as possible to save lives and make any transition nonexplosive. There are trade-offs in this that are unavoidable, of course, but the result of a Trump arrest might very well send things far out of control for both sides of the conflict. Whatever happens, I can do little but speculate and trust that Trump and other patriots know what they are doing. I was never very good at chess, and the chess being played is 5-D (with only a few moves left toward an inevitable conclusion, intel assures me). Besides, the ones who really know what is going on don't talk to the likes of me, and I heartily agree with that protocol. The hints are enough to dig out what they allow to be seen.
In any case, nothing the DS globalists have done by their playbook has worked so far, and I expect them to keep shooting themselves in the foot. They harassed Trump with non-stop negative coverage and lies that used to be effective for removing people from politics, and his popularity only increased, which means something has changed, and they don't get it. Call it zeitgeist, if you will, a historical change in the atmosphere, and that fact alone should give us courage. In spite of how many are still under their evil spell, this is no longer a world they can manipulate with impunity. They have lost control of it.