People with type "O" blood have a 12% less chance of catching Covid-19 or having serious symptoms if they do get it.
People with RH-neg blood also have about a 12% less chance of catching Covid-19 or having serious symptoms if they do get it.
I'm type O-neg. Why would I want that stupid "vaccine" to disrupt my own built-in natural immunity?
My biggest problem is that type O-neg people are 30% more likely to be abducted by aliens. :>( True fact. That's why I don't drive on the highways in New Mexico or West Texas late at night.
I'm Type-O and my Cov was mild; about 12 hours feeling sick, then 80% better after that 12 hour period. Then took about a week to slowly taper off the slight remaining symptoms. No meds.
When Cov was still new in Spring '20 I was reading a lot, not the official narrative BS, but seeking out stuff from independent docs who were treating people. At that time I read about Type-O people being less effected, and people who had received the flu-shot the previous winter being drastically more effected.
What a thing to be worried about. I’ve never considered that having a blood type would make someone think twice about driving under wide open skies. Crazy! You learn something every day.
People with type "O" blood have a 12% less chance of catching Covid-19 or having serious symptoms if they do get it.
People with RH-neg blood also have about a 12% less chance of catching Covid-19 or having serious symptoms if they do get it.
I'm type O-neg. Why would I want that stupid "vaccine" to disrupt my own built-in natural immunity?
My biggest problem is that type O-neg people are 30% more likely to be abducted by aliens. :>( True fact. That's why I don't drive on the highways in New Mexico or West Texas late at night.
I'm Type-O and my Cov was mild; about 12 hours feeling sick, then 80% better after that 12 hour period. Then took about a week to slowly taper off the slight remaining symptoms. No meds.
When Cov was still new in Spring '20 I was reading a lot, not the official narrative BS, but seeking out stuff from independent docs who were treating people. At that time I read about Type-O people being less effected, and people who had received the flu-shot the previous winter being drastically more effected.
What a thing to be worried about. I’ve never considered that having a blood type would make someone think twice about driving under wide open skies. Crazy! You learn something every day.
Well by God, if answering those questions with a yes would disqualify you, that about covers MOOOST of the population !!
Archived link to material safety data sheet from manufacturer:
Mmmmm disinfowars.
Got a reliable sauce?
Perhaps if you actually read the sources and citations rather than going straight for the old MMMM disinfowars you might learn something.
Just saying.
Some people just have to be lazy and demand others spoon-feed them.