Hey guys, I have seen a ton of people around here wondering aloud how our intelligence agencies got so corrupt. I decided to start sharing some stuff from my research that I've found enlightening.
Before anything else though, it is important everyone has a grasp of how the Intelligence Agencies came to be, and how their close relationship with organized crime was fostered and grew over the years to the point where there was no longer any meaningful distinction between the CIA and the Mob. They were two sides of the same coin. Bill Cooper gives an excellent 1 hour explanation of things in this episode of his radio show, The Hour of the Time.
(The first half deals with MK Ultra, the second half deals with the mob/intel agency marriage. The whole thing is worth listening too).
I am the guy who wrote the book about Seth Rich's death posted here a month or so ago, it got a really good reception. Here is a free copy...
I'm an avid researcher and commited to spreading truth to as many people as i can. If people like this I'll continue making posts like it.
Thank you for sharing!
I've watched a few videos from places like Hillsdale College, Heritage Foundation, or conservative institutions of a similar nature.
One or two of the speakers said something to the effect of:
" it's the natural consequence of self-interested bureaucrat ... once a department is set up to address some 'issue', if the 'issue' becomes irrelevant, they'll fight to keep their jobs ... and while it is a waste of taxpayer money, it amounts to little effect on the taxpayer, while a big effect on the self-interested bureaucrats and lobbyists, so, the department continues on ... this effect leads to the slow build up of the bureaucracy, and through corruption, the creation of a deep state".