The key to leaving one state to join another, or starting a new state, is found in the general welfare clause of a state's constitution - not because of a difference in political positions. Oregon State government has most certainly violated the general welfare responsibilities to protect its citizens. Look at the mayhem in Portland where the state government either willingly or sheepishly failed to intervene and left a large segment of those populations to fend for themselves. The state had the obligation to step in when the local government was unable to do the job.
This is not about a difference of political opinions, but a matter of public safety that the state government failed to provide. Therefore, with a vote of no confidence by the citizens, they have every right to seek new new government - something that is promised via the US Constitution.
The key to leaving one state to join another, or starting a new state, is found in the general welfare clause of a state's constitution - not because of a difference in political positions. Oregon State government has most certainly violated the general welfare responsibilities to protect its citizens. Look at the mayhem in Portland where the state government either willingly or sheepishly failed to intervene and left a large segment of those populations to fend for themselves. The state had the obligation to step in when the local government was unable to do the job.
This is not about a difference of political opinions, but a matter of public safety that the state government failed to provide. Therefore, with a vote of no confidence by the citizens, they have every right to seek new new government - something that is promised via the US Constitution.