posted ago by greeneggsnham ago by greeneggsnham +14 / -0

What do you think will be the 'big ticket events' that still need to occur and in what order do you think these events will occur?

The following are the 'big ticket events' that I think will happen in the not-to-distant future in the respective order:

...1) Wide revelation of corruption in banking/global financial markets

...2) Wide revelation of election fraud

...3) Wide revelation of military tribunals - politicians/celebrities/prominent figures

...4) Wide revelation of Covid and Covid vaccine truth

...5) Wide revelation of magnitude child sex trafficking

...6) Wide revelation of the spiritual war (the good deeds, the bad deeds, the good guys, and the wicked)

...7) Trump inaugurated as President

My main thought is that, for Trump to be vindicated, any revelation of wrong would need to occur outside of his watch as President.

I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts.