I want off this planet. I want to be seperated fron the Dummies. I can't take the mass stupidity anymore. I used to love Sci Fi movies, but living in one is a fricken nightmare.
I can't understand the people who are rushing to get the Vax. I used to think I was of average intelligence, but I gotta tell you, these buffoons make me feel like a genius. Or maybe it's just that I have complete faith in God and they have none. It's sad. But their lack of faith is destroying the planet, which is infuriating.
Ok just needed to rant, sorry.
I didn't mean to call you a retard and I'm sorry it came across that way. The point was that the idea that this whole vax thing is all somehow tied to IQ is retarded. Because it is outright wrong, tied to emotions and doesn't fit into an accurate model of reality.
IQ is measured by a statistical test that seems to approximate your basic cognitive capabilities (which seem to be mostly physiological) in relation to others. Things like working memory etc.
But the speed with which your brain can process patterns and the amount of data it can store and retrieve in its cache have nothing have nothing to do with the correctness of your conceptual model of reality. If you feed the fastest brain in the world 100% wrong data, it will just go literally nuts-off-the-wall crazy trying to understand a reality that cannot make sense. Literally what gaslighting does.
Your processing speed doesn't affect your emotional state, or the filters this puts on your senses. It doesn't make you not ruled by both passions and chemicals. It could be argued it makes you more susceptible because you'd be better at rationalizing your irrational behavior.
To vax or not to vax is tied not to IQ, but to your levels of fear (something that is not controlled by IQ in anyway, it requires different methods), your levels of trust in authority and your desire to conform. Again, none of those is strictly tied to IQ (there might be a relationship on the low-end in terms of trusting authority as a learned behavior because you have to do it much more often if you're stupid).
If you trust "the experts" (and all of must do so necessarily to a certain degree for a given value of expert ) and you want to conform (which is a completely natural desire) and you're terrified of the disease (which, no wonder, I was terrified of it myself) you will take the vax. This doesn't make you stupid.
Lacking in wisdom and experience, yes, maybe, but not stupid.
Sounds like we are becoming friends.
I used "IQ" perhaps too lazily. I mean INTELLIGENCE in a meta sense. Not what some asshole with a clipboard says. That's actually a big part of why I dislike "IQ" as a measure. I was using as a lazy way of saying intelligence, and I do agree that it can often mean something very specific, which is not the "definition" I was using in writing my comment.
"Use your brain". Humans are very limited. And also incredibly intelligent. It's all in the objective standard, etc.
These people are trying to hurt me. And you. And I not want them to hurt me. OR YOU. "Amen."
I will read this in detail.
But first and foremost I read the first line and I appreciate it.
In the end of this, we are going to be friends, is my expectation.