So, on the eve of a race war to "kill all crackers" and after blacks looted and burned every city for no reason at all, you agree with the globalists that Diversity Is Our Strength™?
Did you figure that our yourself or is that what you were taught during your "be less white" Critical Race Theory training?
My response post was to the first line you made: "I don't believe all our Democrat forefathers were evil." Nothing more nothing less. Apparently the guy who put it on his grave didn't agree with your statement.
Other than that I have no idea what you are talking about.
I didn't live in the time of Lincoln. Nor did I personally know any Dems from that era. But the dead man did. And BTW if you read the article you would know the dead man wasn't anonymous. I think it is uncanny that he had to put something on his tombstone to warn future generations about a political party. Many of what is in general actually turning out to be true.
As for my own opinion. There are many Dems in my area that voted for Trump. So you can't judge a book by its cover. However none of them ARE politicians.
Nor did I personally know any Dems from that era. But the dead man did.
How do you know the man wasn't insane or delusional or just full of shit?
Source that your dead man had rational and informed opinions to judge ALL Democrats by their political affiliations rather than the quality of their character?
So, on the eve of a race war to "kill all crackers" and after blacks looted and burned every city for no reason at all, you agree with the globalists that Diversity Is Our Strength™?
Did you figure that our yourself or is that what you were taught during your "be less white" Critical Race Theory training?
My response post was to the first line you made: "I don't believe all our Democrat forefathers were evil." Nothing more nothing less. Apparently the guy who put it on his grave didn't agree with your statement.
Other than that I have no idea what you are talking about.
Don't argue with a shill.
Why do you care what that anonymous dead man thinks?
Do you not have opinions of your own?
I didn't live in the time of Lincoln. Nor did I personally know any Dems from that era. But the dead man did. And BTW if you read the article you would know the dead man wasn't anonymous. I think it is uncanny that he had to put something on his tombstone to warn future generations about a political party. Many of what is in general actually turning out to be true.
As for my own opinion. There are many Dems in my area that voted for Trump. So you can't judge a book by its cover. However none of them ARE politicians.
How do you know the man wasn't insane or delusional or just full of shit?
Source that your dead man had rational and informed opinions to judge ALL Democrats by their political affiliations rather than the quality of their character?