I just take my mask off after I walk in the door. Wlamart didnt have these "vax police" out front or whatever. Im sure itll be a 'state requires buisiness employees to report any and all covid rule breakers'. Dont care. Im stuck here so screw these rules. Police cant do anything and if they do I will ask each and everyone if they wouldnt mind a lawsuit to them personally for discrimination and hipaa violations. Im tired of it. I prefer this tooth and nail fight just to breathe air unimpeded inside of stores.
I just take my mask off after I walk in the door. Wlamart didnt have these "vax police" out front or whatever. Im sure itll be a 'state requires buisiness employees to report any and all covid rule breakers'. Dont care. Im stuck here so screw these rules. Police cant do anything and if they do I will ask each and everyone if they wouldnt mind a lawsuit to them personally for discrimination and hipaa violations. Im tired of it. I prefer this tooth and nail fight just to breathe air unimpeded inside of stores.