I’m not religious but I’m a massive Trump and Q follower. I see lots Christians on the board, any other atheists around here?
How do you view the religious factor in the Q movement?
I’m not religious but I’m a massive Trump and Q follower. I see lots Christians on the board, any other atheists around here?
How do you view the religious factor in the Q movement?
Fellow atheist checking in.
I don't see anything inherently spiritual about a covert plan to give marxist scum an ass whooping. I'm here because reason and evidence led me here. Simple as that. However, I can understand why Christians in particular are drawn here. Christianity is one of the last bastions of universal ethics standing in the way of the moral relativism of Marxism.
Universal secular ethics comes to many of the same conclusions as Christianity anyway, just with a different methodology. Evil can exist without a religious context. Unfortunately most atheists are rabbid marxists who decided to replace god with the state.
Then that would make them de facto theists, are they not? Because they want one world government, worshiped as a god = monotheism with monoculture and monopeople.
You are raising a valid point where it concerns universal secular ethics, although I would not call it universal, as I have no knowledge of the rest of the species living in the vast universe and of their ethics. I would settle for global, though.
I do see something inherently spiritual.
I would say, how much coincidence do you need to consider something not a coincidence?
Although the calculations differ somewhat, we are moving from the Age of Pisces into Aquarius. Both ages differ from each other, with their own energies.
Consider out times.
We are faced with the real prospect of a one world government, run by the most psychopathic deviants ever. Truly, the 2%. And what is in store for us? Being hooked up into the IoT as the "internet of Bodies). A repressive artificial physical hive mind akin to The Borg from Start trek, where no connection to the soul exists.
(note the growing crystals towards the pineapple, after having undergone a PCR test, which is closely related to spirituality.
Being aware of your own soul, and the manifestation of love, joy and peace as a result, ( and for you Christians: please: read Galatians 5:22) is not a bad thing to have.
So, really opposite of the artificial superimposed soulless one world government marxists, we have the natural progression and evolution of consciousness in the comings hundreds of years. And spirituality is the path.
Or, in the words of Isaac Asimov, the first foundation was a physical clerical scientific system. The second foundation was opposite of that.
However, to usher in these changes, the artificial constructs have to go.
So, and then Q came on the scene and started talking about The GreatAwakening, the dirt, the conspiracies, but also about trusting ourselves, to think for ourselves, to trust each other, to unite, Would you say, what Q talks about is totally not within the time frame and the description of it?
Coincidence? I think not.