Yanno, I’ve never taken any of my 3 healthy fit almost grown children (or myself) to a doctor once. (What’s the value of never being in a doctors office, never dealing with a single piece of medical or insurance paperwork or worrying about it at all during the last 30 years? Hmm? )It would be nice if there was a medical system that didn’t require full buy in and medical authority over you, but there isn’t. If enough people drop out, one might develop. Good news: if you look back through the human record lifespan changes little. With good health and a clean life, we will all statistically do as well as those who spend their entire adult lives worrying over healthcare.
Yanno, I’ve never taken any of my 3 healthy fit almost grown children (or myself) to a doctor once. (What’s the value of never being in a doctors office, never dealing with a single piece of medical or insurance paperwork or worrying about it at all during the last 30 years? Hmm? )It would be nice if there was a medical system that didn’t require full buy in and medical authority over you, but there isn’t. If enough people drop out, one might develop. Good news: if you look back through the human record lifespan changes little. With good health and a clean life, we will all statistically do as well as those who spend their entire adult lives worrying over healthcare.
Haven’t been for over 20 years.