... and I told him, no. Then, he asked me if I was planning on getting it, and I said, no. To my way of thinking, this should have been the end of the conversation, but it wasn't. He then asks me what was stopping me from getting the vaccine. So, I started out easy with him and said, "Well, legally, this isn't even a vaccine." He agreed and went into the mRNA explanation. A little nervous laughter punctuated what he was saying. Then I mentioned how this was only given experimental approval from the FDA and not full approval. More nervous laughter and more agreement. I thought this would end the conversation, but he kept pressing me, which was beginning to annoy me. I assured him I had done my research and I didn't like what I had discovered. He wanted to know even more, so I dropped the MOAB on him. I told him I knew all about the NIH and Fauci working on gain of function research and then sending the experiment overseas to the Wuhan lab...and that I was aware of all of this LAST YEAR. Now, I got some very nervous laughter from the doctor.
And, just like that.....BOOM!....he immediately changed the subject.
Dont forget to add crushed black pepper while cooking turmeric. Apperantly it activates the amazing
RIP my wife who is allergic to black pepper and turmeric.
She is likely allergic to "crap tumeric", not real good-for-you Tumeric.
You have to pay attention to brands and labels.
Here's a quick read for you and your wife: https://consumershealth.org/turmeric-curcumin-supplement-guide/?msclkid=95d86430e8d41ccc09b10498c745f99b
Additionally, intermittent fasting will allow your body's natural gut cleansing to take place. Eating too much or too often greatly diminishes a body's ability to do what is required for a healthy gut: essentially preventing Bile production for the small intestine to kill off bacteria that is supposed to stay in the large intestine. This creates a health problem known as "SIBO", which is Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth. Read about that here: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/small-intestinal-bacterial-overgrowth/symptoms-causes/syc-20370168
Point is, our bodies are amazing things and for it to reject something as beneficial as Tumeric Curcumin is highly irregular which typically denotes an outlying issue that caused the reaction. Finding out what that is can reset your gut/body to begin accepting what it should again WITHOUT hand-fulls of pills from Pharmekia.