I've got 1 percent left on my phone, so at the last minute I'm saying hello, because I like y'all (even if I'm not a follower/convert).
But while I'm here, I'll take any flak you got -- I won't argue or go into lib disproving mode. I saw the leftist AMA the other day and left disappointed, so I just thought I'd take the temperature of the board a little, from my nonthreatening obvious interloper account.
(And if I don't respond, it's because my phone died and I'll be back later, charged.)
Frustrated, furious, anxious, excited, cool as a cucumber -- How are you?
Thanks for the reply.
So you have watched the video of the vote workers, who after the majority were told it was stopping for the night and went home, a handful stayed.
Then as per the CCTV dragged ballot boxes from under a table with blankets over it, and scanned them multiple times?
Have you really, without bias looked into the allegations of voter fraud? Have you seen the statistics, the impossible spikes in votes for Biden all in the middle of the night in places where the workers were told to stop and go home?
Have you listened to the evidence on how "weighted voting" was used? One example, in one of the tally's you see an entry for 1 vote. That 1 vote was split roughly 70/30 in favour of Biden. How can one vote be split?
Look I have no way in knowing if you are being genuine or not, I hope so, see through the "oh look crazy pillow man" etc and watch the following links where you will see all the evidence needed to understand the multiple ways the election was altered by those that wish the Country destroyed, possibly including yourself.
I have seen that evidence (this is my actual commenting account, I've been lurking since 2019) and this is where it gets to be a Rorschach test: you and me can look at the evidence, and we'll reach complete opposite conclusions.
I swore I wouldn't get argumentative so I'll tread lightly here, but what I see in those videos/evidence is an unfathomably complicated process that is ripe for conflicting interpretations (not to mention honest misunderstandings, and some bad faith trolls spreading misinformation).
I'm afraid you are simply plain wrong, and most likely your bias is because you don't want to believe. The figures/stats don't lie. Neither do the IP addresses, and even computer serial numbers, we have it all.
It's funny though isn't it, because plenty on the left were very willing to believe that Justice Kavanaugh was a sexual predator, and even a rapist. Despite the star witness never having anyone else to corroborate her story. Didn't know where or when this took place, and yet the left were quite happy to believe Blasey - Ford.
Stormy Daniels the same, and that one that accused Trump of rape, even the great "Russia hoax" peddled by the left's MSM for years. I hope you realise that the FBI published a report stating that Hilary ordered the "Special boat project" (a reference to the fast patrol boats from Vietnam) to provide cover for her email and server scandal. HRC/DNC paid for it from Steele, it's there in black and white. The so called Russian hackers the DNC named, well they took the DNC/crowdstrike to court, and crowdstrike settled.
So you won't look at actual evidence of election fraud provided by several IT specialists that are neutral, hell a few are registered Democrats, but you will believe a woman who was clearly lying to try and frame a good man, to stop him getting a SCOTUS position. Pure politics, pure and utter bullshit.
PS Biden averaged 11 people at his "rally"s" over the election run up, the other day had 700 odd people watching him give a speech, yet you also believe he gained 81 million plus votes? Sure, that's bias.