These people are delusional and I am glad they have been weeded out via propaganda; Doctors, politicians, celebrities, teachers, cops, etc. ALL exposed for being the mentally-ill demon worshipping fanatic they are.
They worship the demonic society. If they took the vaccine, it implies they think they will be above those who do not take the vaccine. Even when it is killing them, they will curse God and the right or Trump maybe even, for something they are doing to themselves.
Call me crude, but these same people would deny how fanatic and brainwashed they are, if you were to present the current situations we have been in during 2020/21. and asked them just a over a year ago if they would act so insane, they would shout NO! I would NEVER take experimental drugs! I would NEVER try to abuse and condition children! I am NOT a pedophile who enjoys putting gimp masks and dominating my students! I am NOT a cold blooded killer trying to sell you a deadly vaccine, I am your doctor, you cant trust me!
The line was drawn and made very clear in 2020 - Good or Evil; no controlled opposition in-between, Pro life or anti life, pro freedom or anti freedom.
Which vax did they both get, do you know?
My mum took the AstreZeneca vaxx (reluctantly) and now a condition she used to suffer from most of her life which had been completely eliminated 2 years ago after going full herbal route has now flared up with full force. The herbal medicine guy is not allowed to practise anymore it seems, so now she has to go get injections and what not (and they never worked, just kept it under control for all those years).
My dad refuses to see the connection. (He was pretty redpilled but lost all hope and reverted back after Jan 20)
I think astra. That is a shame about your mother. When I say I do not care about the vaccinated dieing, it is just a way of trying to deal with the grief of picturing innocent bystanders who are just mislead to their slaughter. I hope there are few who took the vax unwillingly or in complete ignorance of the potential outcomes. I hope your mother can get back on natural remedies and away from the poison of the "Health industry"
Thanks. This is how I feel too. This whole vaxx stuff has taught an important lesson for human relations. We can only show the truth to people but they have to feel it by themselves. My mum feels the truth. She is incredibly red pilled and she has red pilled a lot of her friends (or at least given courage to people who were hesitant to talk about this stuff).
My dad has always been the "intellectual" type. During the last year I had managed to show him all the truth about the deep state, media, propaganda, blm, covid etc. He agreed with me. Like I said, he was just seeing it, but he did not feel it.
Now they live amongst people where even the more rebellious ones peddle vaccines. People keep telling him "Oh, poor you, you did not get the jab? How terrible. I hope you will continue to be lucky." Every channel talks about how many people are burning in the cemeteries every day. I dont really blame him - it takes a really strong will to ignore everything around you telling one thing. If he felt the truth he might have had that will, but he only saw it, didn't feel it.
My mum resisted, but eventually it becomes untenable for one person in the house to be vaccinated and another not vaccinated. She just went along to keep him happy. She is a cancer surviver. I am just praying that she can survive this stupid vaxx.
You may want to look into iodine drops (J Crows Lugols iodine) as a supplement to help clear out heavy metals and halogens out of the body. That plus the regular regimen of vit c/d/zinc/magnesium/b complex. Also get a good water filter (clearly filtered) that actually filters out fluoride.
All I’m saying is look into these things and see if you think they might be worth her looking in to.
I have been looking into these things, and I agree, they look promising for tackling toxins for regular vaccines. Unfortunately the covid vaxx is a whole different beast. The spike proteins are little monsters that can create havoc in our body, and I havent come across any detox to get rid of them. I am not even sure thats possible.