These people are delusional and I am glad they have been weeded out via propaganda; Doctors, politicians, celebrities, teachers, cops, etc. ALL exposed for being the mentally-ill demon worshipping fanatic they are.
They worship the demonic society. If they took the vaccine, it implies they think they will be above those who do not take the vaccine. Even when it is killing them, they will curse God and the right or Trump maybe even, for something they are doing to themselves.
Call me crude, but these same people would deny how fanatic and brainwashed they are, if you were to present the current situations we have been in during 2020/21. and asked them just a over a year ago if they would act so insane, they would shout NO! I would NEVER take experimental drugs! I would NEVER try to abuse and condition children! I am NOT a pedophile who enjoys putting gimp masks and dominating my students! I am NOT a cold blooded killer trying to sell you a deadly vaccine, I am your doctor, you cant trust me!
The line was drawn and made very clear in 2020 - Good or Evil; no controlled opposition in-between, Pro life or anti life, pro freedom or anti freedom.
not even joking that is what I picture as an actual IQ test. If your IQ is listed as 150 yet you will walk off a bridge if I tell you that you can fly, you IQ was not applicable to real world measurement of intelligence. A creatures intelligence is measured by how effective they can use their cognitive skills or prior knowledge, and apply it to real life scenarios where they can yield benefits or... SURVIVE.
How is someone's IQ above 70 if they will take experimental injecitons and wear a rag on their face... They are not. No one can convince me. They are sub human imo. Not about race or genes, its the soul or mind or heart... something, but they arent the same as you or I...
They are really something different now, eh? Genetically.
Book smart vs street smart. I'd much rather be street smart.