posted ago by Lupinate ago by Lupinate +30 / -0

Im trying to figure out Racine in the grand equation. It is clearly something, but i keep hitting granite and bedrock. Pastebins links abound everywhere on ddg searches calling Q a "false prophet", trump a luciferian, and discussing the second coming, and all from some group calling themselves the knights of pythias.

These guys are what always come up whenever i try to look into the path of souls and its connection to racine, and they also appear to be off. Always asking only questions. Claiming credit for voat dying, pizzagate forums shutdown, talking about voat members being killed etc.

I cant get a good read on em at all. They ask the right questions but (unlike q) dont give a good start point. Too cryptic, too many questions, not enough answers.

I need fresher eyes as my brain is not functioning on all cylinders today. Ill keep looking but this one is worse than alice for me.