I get it with the Flinstones and Gravity falls. It’s that they are normalizing those images and symbols so they can work right under our noses without us paying any attention. They are mocking us because they think the population at large are a bunch of ignorant morons. After this year of all the election and Covid insanity, I hate to admit it but they may be right. ?
But it was normal back then. A lot of men used to belong to one of those clubs. Lions, Elks, Eagles and the Masons have all dropped in membership...entire lodges have closed since this show came out 60 years ago.
I get it with the Flinstones and Gravity falls. It’s that they are normalizing those images and symbols so they can work right under our noses without us paying any attention. They are mocking us because they think the population at large are a bunch of ignorant morons. After this year of all the election and Covid insanity, I hate to admit it but they may be right. ?
But it was normal back then. A lot of men used to belong to one of those clubs. Lions, Elks, Eagles and the Masons have all dropped in membership...entire lodges have closed since this show came out 60 years ago.