posted ago by _styx_ ago by _styx_ +96 / -0

Upon digging, I found some (to me, at least) interesting links that really made me realize how prevalent Freemasonry is. There's a subreddit dedicated to it that has discussions between fellow masons, just there for anyone to see:


Lodges are sitting in plain sight, in every corner and even on busy roads such as ones in New York City. Here's the NYC Government's website giving directions to the Grand Masonic Lodge of New York:


Additionally, here's Britannica casually discussing Freemasonry, something anyone could search up:


I don't know if this is worth posting or what I'm getting at really, but HOW do people not notice this? These aren't even secret societies or some wacky conspiracy theory; they're real, and they've been staring us in the face this whole time. Normies never question why these things exist, even though sites like Britannica and Wikipedia openly discuss the existence of such places. Even with all the programming and apathy, someone should at least notice it all, no?

Celebrities (who are ALL masons), for example, use Satanic imagery and poses all the time but it is considered "normal" or "tastefully edgy." It's even on our damn currency - no one questions why we have a strange pyramid on our dollar bill with "New World Order" in Latin on the bottom; we're not in Egypt, are we? It's absolutely insane how deep this all goes especially considering this is just ONE society. Every day it becomes even more obvious that we are up against unimaginable, deep evils that require extreme coordination and effort to uproot.