You are supposed to be ovulating at this time! Your poor egg died on the spot. Who knows what this has done to you. I would detox pronto and get off the physiological altering birth control pill. If you got bad periods you can cure that naturally by changing your diet. No sugar and no grains, that's how I cured mine. If you have a steam room/sauna that you can go to I'd recommend going there a few times a week after your period's done. God bless you! I wish you the best!
You are supposed to be ovulating at this time! Your poor egg died on the spot. Who knows what this has done to you. I would detox pronto and get off the physiological altering birth control pill. If you got bad periods you can cure that naturally by changing your diet. No sugar and no grains, that's how I cured mine. If you have a steam room/sauna that you can go to I'd recommend going there a few times a week after your period's done. God bless you! I wish you the best!