When Donald Trump came on the scene in 2015 as a candidate for President, a lot of time was spent by Bannon cs to point to the fourth turning.
Do a search for yourself: fourth turning Steve Bannon, and you'lll see.
The idea behind it is that social movements progress in a certain cyclic manner, spanning a certain time frame.
Do the math and it makes quite a lot of sense.
Since the idea that social changes being cyclic is not an idea invented just to give Donald Trump a platform, it is always a good thing to look back in history and check a few things.
Straus & Howe, the originators of the concept wrote the following:
“The next Fourth Turning is due to begin shortly after the new millennium, midway through the Oh-Oh decade. Around the year 2005, a sudden spark will catalyze a Crisis mood. Remnants of the old social order will disintegrate. Political and economic trust will implode. Real hardship will beset the land, with severe distress that could involve questions of class, race, nation and empire. The very survival of the nation will feel at stake. Sometime before the year 2025, America will pass through a great gate in history, commensurate with the American Revolution, Civil War, and twin emergencies of the Great Depression and World War II.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning
When comparing this the Donald Trumps message, which is about hope and future, and Q, it becomes quite apparent that these things coincide. "It has to be this way".
Some people have pointed towards bigger cycles, like the move from the age of Pisces into Aquarius, noting that after 2012 the Pisces run institutions will be exposed, and taken down to make room for individual spirituality and social cohesion.
This articles and it's several other parts do a good job in explaining the lead in and consequences. Of course we have the benefit of hindsight. However, it does help to order the unfolded and unfolding events in the stream of time.
However, there are many more issues that showed a change on the horizon. Some people, like Ron Paul, already were activist for a different approach. Branded a cook by the lamestream, he diligently moved on, earning him the monniker: Dr. No, for his refusal to assent to any law not in line with the Constitution. Meanwhile he tried to educate the people there to be a different solution than the one we had already become accustomed to.
"Let's try liberty for a change".
"Do not steel, the government hates competition".
Blowback! Maybe we should be minding our own business, instead of policing the world".
When he decided to run, his base was truly thrilled. Knowing what we know now, as a president, he would not have stood a chance in hell to kill the deep state.
Quite early on in his first Presidential race, I recognized he was a teacher. A paver of the path.
"Nobody can stop an idea, who's time has come".
And indeed, looking back, just consider the faces of the people you see going past, listen to what they say and where they are now.
There is a revolution going on. Unfortunately, it is a revolution not for the faint of heart.
Of course, these days, the words of Jacques Attali, supposedly contained in the book L' avenir de la vie, future of live, is making the rounds and the fact checkers are busy dispelling the charges. But, with what I have heard and read, it is not beyond possibility that he has indicated certain things.
See for your self:
Here is an interview with him. It is a fascinating journey across thousands of years in art, politics, religion, etc. However, clearly, he has some axes to grind.
The English version of his book: A brief History of the future, comes highly recommended by Henry Kissinger as being provocative. And indeed it is.
However, he explains the current movements along different lines than 4th turning or even astrology.
With this in mind, note that Attali clearly points towards a jewish sourced mercantilistic system that would bring humanity into a state of total control.
Just as with Klaus Analschwab and the 4th industrial Revolution, these people are simply giving their opinion. Unfortunately, we have the fool and the fearful together with the psycho and the paid-off, who head their words and, thereby actually manifesting what they write about.
The fourth turning is a fascinating book. I read it around 2001 and made a significant impact on my understanding of the world. While I believed I was a product of my own choices, this booked showed that my choices were in some sense, Predefined. I was not as random as I initially thought. The way I recall his prognostications, it was more optimistic than what we face today but no less impactful. It’s almost like the bad guys read the book too and manipulated the generational cycle traits to their own advantage. If Bannon was using this book as a framework, he may have been a little too late to fully exploit it. Let’s hope the fourth turning isn’t done turning.
Indeed. I had the same experience.
From a wider perspective, and from my investigations, I have come to the supposition that we are exposed to influences beyond our immediate purview.
The first time I was confronted with this was with this book. The second time when a girlfriend of mine showed me a book on astrology concerning the types. Not every day things, but types of person and how they interact. It was a perfect description of us both. Peculiar.
The third time was when I saw a documentary on electromagnetism employed on breeding fish, in this case rainbow trout. Amazing. Simply using ore or less of it, and the fish turned out different, smaller or bigger, even to the point of looking like salmon.
The fourth time when I spoke to a guy from Santa Fe, when discussing the way Mayans used their calendar, for instance in choosing their elders. Every sign on there, represents a phase through which one must pass. Having attained 55 of these signs, eligibility for eldership was in the works. Logic would suggest, somebody 55 years of age would have some wisdom to share
The fith time was with Human Design and Gene Keys, which blew me away due to it's accurate description in terms of energies and thus decisions related to several of my immediate circle.
So, I dunno what it is, but discounting it out of hand was not possible.
In the grander scheme of things, of course, there are other factors involved, like access to chips on the shoulder and patrons. Yet, these do not change ones energies.
Given the current climate, I am not surprised to see things exposed, taken down, redirected and how these forces of the past and of today are battling for supremacy.
Quite interesting. There are so many dynamics happening right now. I will read further. Thank you for sharing this.