there is no reason for a bandage after a shot from a needle that small... a few seconds of holding on a cotton swab will stop any bleeding for most people, but I see dozens of idiots every day with sleeves rolled up to display their virtue bandage.
not even the plain "flesh" tone ones, but bright colors or Disney characters. fucking retards.
thus ends the rant
Bandaid more than 5 mins after shot = mask
Both are completely useless except to signal you are scared of the virus with a 0.3% chance of killing you.
I think it would be funny to walk up to these people and say with a straight face,
"Thank you for your service."
Pervertue signaling.
Bandaids are the new masks.
These are the same drones that want vaccine passports, Nazi type badges for unvaccinated and further lock downs.
At least it let's me know that they are shedding, and I can talk to them just fine from over here on the other side of the room.
Good point
I dont understand why everyone who gets vaccinated needs to put all over social media, like nobody gives any fucks if you got the jab. One's medical history is for the patient and their doctor, doesn't belong on social media. One feller (or fellet) posted a picture here yesterday of somebody with a tattoo of COVID and a bandaid, and they wanna call US a cult???
guess I found one of the vaxholes parading around with a band-aide.
Nope, you're just upset because I pointed out the obvious.
Plenty of people are wearing masks and bandages.
If your reaction is to cry about it, that's on you
ok faggot.
I think what is tocking them off isn't the band-aid per say, but hiw they show it off to people in public, Instagram, Facebook, tik tok, etc.
Like sure, if you want a bandage, get one. It shouldn't matter what kind it is, just get one to cover the hole in your arm. You don't have to walk down the street showing everyone you were jabbed. Makes you look like an idiot.
I already know that. The sentence was to a completely different conversation in a different context. I was saying that normal people who haven't bought into this hysteria don't do that.
Showing it on social media is one thing, but you can't seriously say,
"you don't have to walk down the street showing everyone you were jabbed."
What? People get the shot away from their home and then go on about their day, they're not intentionally showing it off. When I get a blood test, I often forget I have a bandage on till I get home. It's the same thing.
You know what I mean. If I cut my arm, I put a bandage on it, and forget it. I don't show it off, and don't glorify it, as any normal person would do.
What I am saying is, is that most of these people are getting the shot, and then flaunting it to their friends and the like. I have seen, and know one, who have taken it a step further and tattooed their injection site to show off.