I live in a fairly wooded area in west Volusia, County, FL. We've gone almost two full weeks of little to no measurable amount of rain. In May. April was kind of dry, too. The forecasts are saying we won't se much rain for another week or so, with highs in the 90's. This is bad. Has the potential to get real bad, real fast. There's a lot of dried up tinder around, ranging from inches to almost a foot deep in a lot of the wooded areas in Ctrl FL. We call this stuff "muck" around here because of the smell it emits when burned. Very bad for the respiratory system. Oh, yeah, and masks don't work. Only self-contained breathing apparatuses work.
I look around when I'm hiking and can't help but wonder what will happen if we see another summer like '98. I was in the Navy at the time, stationed in Virginia, but remember seeing night time satellite imagery of FL, and it looked like a damned torch burning from Osceola County all the way into S. GA. Driving down to see my parents in Aug '98 was tough with all the smoke and the smell of the muck burning.
There's tons more structures built in FL now, encroaching into the wooded areas, so if it flames up, there will be more damage than in '98.
Last summer, the West Coast burned. I distinctly remebering Antifa/BLM saying that he East Coast was next. They were saying this late last Fall and early Winter. When I look around and see how much dead underbrush we have just in Central FL, it makes me wonder, with the dry weather we've been having, what might happen if Antifa makes their threats become reality.
FL isn't the only State on the East Coast experiencing drier than normal weather this Spring.
And I think Texas is still being assaulted with the incessant rain we’ve been having the last month or so.