Yes, and I believe that Revelations 9:6 alludes to this: "And in those days people will seek death and will not find it. They will long to die, but death will flee from them." They will upload their brains into the group consciousness where they can be maintained as machinery.
I personally believe the Bible is the only book I can fully trust for truth. Obviously, interpretations will vary, so it is important to actually study by looking at the original greek/hebrew and context and in light of other observed truths. That being said, there are parts of Scripture that people cannot be fully certain on the meaning, and that is why it is important to approach it with humility.
Growing up, I always thought astrology was bunk and seemed to just distract people from looking to God. I think the Bible uses numbers in a way that proves God is the master and designer of numbers and the whole universe, and do not see astrology in the Bible, as you say. It is interesting you see it that way.
Why do you trust that the canonization was 100% directed by God? There are a bunch of apocryphal and esoteric mystical texts that are never talked about in nondenominational churches. What about Jewish Kabbalah? What about the Gnostics and alchemy?
I’ve listened to a bunch of Jordan Maxwell recently. The amount of zodiac references in the Old Testament would make your head spin. The Jews were a moon worshiping cult. The golden calfs they worshiped had to do with a zodiacal age. A bunch of other stuff.
Also, the people who canonized the Bible were Deep State.
There may be a bunch of truth in there. Maybe some of it is legit from God and/or the gods. But the good shit is being hidden from us plebs.
I know there is disagreement on what should have been canonized. I know that men are fallible. So yes, perhaps there are some books missing that should have been. But to me, that probably wouldn't change the essence of the Bible, which is this: Man is fallen (tracing back to the sin in the garden of Eden), man can never completely fulfill the law which is required for relationship and eternal life, and God sent his only Son (fully human, fully God) to earth to fulfill the law and sacrificially die as the payment for all of our sins. The gospel of Jesus is man's hope for a better tomorrow, one beyond our death. To me, that is the good stuff, the best stuff. There is a huge preoccupation with how to make life better on earth, but this earth is temporary. Our lives here are a grain of sand on the beach of time. All that to say, I'm not worried about missing a few books of the Bible.
In the Old Testament, the Jews did wrongly worship other gods and they were punished for it. God desired that they only worship Him.
Yes, and I believe that Revelations 9:6 alludes to this: "And in those days people will seek death and will not find it. They will long to die, but death will flee from them." They will upload their brains into the group consciousness where they can be maintained as machinery.
Nice take on it.
Why do you think prophesy is legit?
What do you think of astrology since the Bible is chalk full of it? (Jesus and 12 disciples) (Jesus 2 Pisces fish) (Moses represented as a goat)
I personally believe the Bible is the only book I can fully trust for truth. Obviously, interpretations will vary, so it is important to actually study by looking at the original greek/hebrew and context and in light of other observed truths. That being said, there are parts of Scripture that people cannot be fully certain on the meaning, and that is why it is important to approach it with humility.
Growing up, I always thought astrology was bunk and seemed to just distract people from looking to God. I think the Bible uses numbers in a way that proves God is the master and designer of numbers and the whole universe, and do not see astrology in the Bible, as you say. It is interesting you see it that way.
Why do you trust that the canonization was 100% directed by God? There are a bunch of apocryphal and esoteric mystical texts that are never talked about in nondenominational churches. What about Jewish Kabbalah? What about the Gnostics and alchemy?
I’ve listened to a bunch of Jordan Maxwell recently. The amount of zodiac references in the Old Testament would make your head spin. The Jews were a moon worshiping cult. The golden calfs they worshiped had to do with a zodiacal age. A bunch of other stuff.
Also, the people who canonized the Bible were Deep State.
There may be a bunch of truth in there. Maybe some of it is legit from God and/or the gods. But the good shit is being hidden from us plebs.
I know there is disagreement on what should have been canonized. I know that men are fallible. So yes, perhaps there are some books missing that should have been. But to me, that probably wouldn't change the essence of the Bible, which is this: Man is fallen (tracing back to the sin in the garden of Eden), man can never completely fulfill the law which is required for relationship and eternal life, and God sent his only Son (fully human, fully God) to earth to fulfill the law and sacrificially die as the payment for all of our sins. The gospel of Jesus is man's hope for a better tomorrow, one beyond our death. To me, that is the good stuff, the best stuff. There is a huge preoccupation with how to make life better on earth, but this earth is temporary. Our lives here are a grain of sand on the beach of time. All that to say, I'm not worried about missing a few books of the Bible.
In the Old Testament, the Jews did wrongly worship other gods and they were punished for it. God desired that they only worship Him.