I'd like to take you on a brief detour for a moment from the current audit and scamdemic. Along with these two on-going events I believe that the GME saga is the most important current scenario currently playing out, and yet I rarely see it discussed here. Now to be fair, I understand why since it seems to be unrelated to Q. Or is it?
Now I'm going to say upfront that I have no concrete evidence Q has their hand in this, yet there are some things that raise my eyebrow. Firstly, the timing of everything. Granted, it could be a complete coincidence, yet the fact that the mother of all short squeezes (henceforth referred to as the MOASS) is happening now of all times what with everything else going on, is highly suspect imo.
An event that will unravel our rigged financial system, including the FED, which in some peoples' opinions (mine included) is the root of elite control in this country at the same time that the DNC's fraud is priming to be exposed is interesting to say the least. I'm talking people who are otherwise asleep to what's going on suddenly learning the extent of corruption in the economy and are becoming angry and seeking justice for 2008. Don't believe me? Go to reddit's superstonk subreddit and check out what people are saying. I mean we're talking reddit of all places here, the bastion of blue-pilled myopia. Who's to say this event won't lead normies to start down a rabbit-hole of research which will lead them to other verboten truths?
The other thing that I find peculiar about this whole story is the Q-like cryptic posts being left by Keith Gill (aka roaring kitty) and Ryan Cohen, the man seen as the savior of Gamestop. Here's one such example: https://imgur.com/a/3eGoWql
That was a picture posted by Roaring Kitty on twitter some weeks back that show the date that Gamestop's stock closed at $164 dollars. Again, very specific. We're talking levels of fore-sight with very particular details that could only be exposed by someone that seemingly has access to future events. Project looking glass perhaps? Now, does that mean Roaring Kitty has access to project looking glass? Doubtful, but there's definitely something here that warrants further research imo. These types of posts have gotten redditors, the most blue-pilled of human beings, to start questioning how much of what we see playing it out is some sort of simulation.
Another topic often discussed on reddit has been the blatant news media manipulation that nobody can deny any longer. Lots of pictures have been circulating on there about the extent that the media is going to in order to get people to stop paying attention to gamestop, which is severely backfiring in their face.
Here's some examples that have been shared there: https://imgur.com/a/0pAmpFY https://imgur.com/a/dxSUYsp https://imgur.com/a/u6lMuEp
Etc, etc. Nobody doubts how the media is controlled there anymore. Again, this seems to be prime material to get many normies to start questioning the entire system. And this time there's a financial incentive to go against the narrative. A LARGE financial incentive.
Needless to say to anyone who's followed GME even only on a surface level, when the MOASS happens there's going to be a lot of newly-minted millionaires and billionaires who are outside the cabal's control. I mean, we're talking thousands of people who are going to be rich and without the system of blackmail to control them. People who will put the money to good use instead of financing subversive GMOs and buying up all of our resources for personal control. Sure, some of them will probably spend their money on some stupid things like yachts or whatever. But some of them will be patriots.
What might patriots be able to accomplish with 100's of millions or even billions of dollars at their disposal?
I've been working on a "worst case" scenario. In this possibility, we will never see the ticker get to $20M, $10M or even $1M. The SEC may step in at some pre-set point, or after the SHF's are bankrupt, suspend GME trading, and force the shorts to unroll off-market under a settlement agreement with the DTCC.
Thus, we'll never know the "true" price per share, and DTCC lawyers will settle directly with investors. It could be a very good "divide and conquer" strategy, and would put retail investors in a bad position to negotiate.
Even though "all shorts must cover", there is no rule that says they have to cover in cash. As a matter of fact, the DTCC's clearing fund takes all different kinds of securities from banks as their share of the fund- which would be valued at 'X' dollars to satisfy a short share, but selling said security post-settlement for cash could net a drastically lower amount.
My advice is to have an exit strategy at hand that includes stocks, bonds, MBS and CMBS in trade.
It's a worst case scenario but it's also one that seems unlikely as it would also destroy the remaining confidence in the market especially as there are a lot of non-US investors involved by now. The hedgies screwed up big time as most of the original apes would have settled for $1k per share back in January had they allowed it to just run it's course then.