I remembered when he died. I didn't follow the news much but remember hearing it in the radio. Something never sat right with me. I also remember the media giving him a bad light talking about potential pedophilia with his never ever land park think. Other than that though never really followed much about his story.
I remember with what was main stream about his death was a drug overdose. Some little voice inside my head kept telling me it was poison. Also it was the same little voice that woke me up. I also have tried numerous times to be diagnosed with a mental condition and somehow I always leave the offices with a very confused looking psychologist or doctor and them terminating my sessions. The only diagnosis they ever give me is stress reaction...
I remembered when he died. I didn't follow the news much but remember hearing it in the radio. Something never sat right with me. I also remember the media giving him a bad light talking about potential pedophilia with his never ever land park think. Other than that though never really followed much about his story.
I remember with what was main stream about his death was a drug overdose. Some little voice inside my head kept telling me it was poison. Also it was the same little voice that woke me up. I also have tried numerous times to be diagnosed with a mental condition and somehow I always leave the offices with a very confused looking psychologist or doctor and them terminating my sessions. The only diagnosis they ever give me is stress reaction...
He's not dead.
projection 101