The military coercion of our troops, forcing them to take the vax or lose freedoms is unacceptable. This is apparently happening to all branches, at all levels(?).
If the vax really will kill people at 18-24 mos., this is a national security risk, and a disaster to our ability to defend the nation, or operate an effective military force.
Before you say anything, yes, military has a long, time-honored tradition of using soldiers as guinea pigs, and soldiers sign away many of their freedoms when they sign up.
Reality is, this is morally reprehensable. If the good guys are in charge, this should not be happening.
Why would the white hats allow this?
Did anyone confirm that exec. From what was it Pfizer(?) was a FF?
They are already injecting them.
We all hope it is saline, or something else, but unlessyou have evidence to it, you are just speculating like everyone else.
It is not Saline. I am retired Army. Played golf yesterday with a good friend who is a Sergeant Major. The subject came up. He told me he had several soldiers that had bad reactions. Some troops were down for weeks.
No ... they are not getting Saline. They are getting the toxic shit too.
Sorry for the horrible news. I was sick to my stomach when he told me that shit.
Makes my heart break. I've had lots of friends in the military over the years. The stuff is sick. What they're doing to them.
Yes, I’m throwing out ideas
Just say no to drugs and experimental jabs
My husband is active duty Navy, he’s one of the few refusing at his Command, most have fallen in line. The level of manipulation and pressure makes me furious. This is a crime against humanity.
Is there an antidote?
Not for the dead, unless they knew Christ. Sorry for being so dark.
I hope there is, I like to think there is. If Trump is truly in charge there'd better be.
Could be 6 months? Just’s horrific.
My hope is that many will stand and fight this legally as there is a strong precedent against this. By introducing lawsuits and changing laws regarding the forcing of injections we can better fight off worse "vaccines" in the future.
I was in during the swine flu bs. The only way to get out of it then was to say I had a newborn living with me. Same with the flu shot in subsequent years. One year I was called out and said a family member that just had a baby is staying with. That was sufficient then, I can’t imagine going through that shit show now. THEY DONT FUCKING CARE! They didn’t then, but I see it now.
If you know anything about the military. They get many injections against all kinds of viral attacks.
That is true. They take FDA approved vaccines. I know, I've been vaxed for just about everything.
This shit is not a VAX. It is genetic therapy. As in ... DNA therapy. Altering a human beings genetic coding. The brainwashed will tell you "nuh uhh, it don't do nuffin'". This response is mindnumbing ... no one knows that. There is in fact a way for this shit to imprint onto your perma-programming.
And they are encouraged to do so often.
This is the second time ive seen anything this drastic to coerce a shot.
Doesn't make it right.