If anyone in this community hasn't already bought GME, is holding it, and has already voted, they should. And this IS financial advice. (Just not from an accredited anybody)
Step 1b) DO NOT open a margin account (even if you don't use margin, it allows them to lend your shares)
Step 2) Link your bank account info
Step 3) Transfer funds
Step 4) Place a LIMIT ORDER for GME at a price at or above the current price
Step 5) Wait for it to be filled. If the price rises a lot before your order fills, repeat step 4, but this is uncommon.
Step 6) DO NOT on the way up, wait to sell until AFTER the squeeze is over and the price is coming down. This will take days, maybe even weeks, and there WILL be drops along the way. Don't fall for the first dip on the way up because you'll be selling at what institutional sellers are comfortable with. Institutional money owns a lot of GME, but retail (you and me) own more than enough to squeeze them all on our own and we have higher standards.
Don't sell at a price that is life changing for you, sell at a price that is life changing for them
I went to Fidelity. Choose "Open a Brokerage Account"? name your beneficiaries, set investing goals, and begin the process of transferring money into your account..... I am totally ignorant about these things and do not want to give any information other than what is absolutely required. This is familiar territory for many but absolutely foreign to me.
If anyone in this community hasn't already bought GME, is holding it, and has already voted, they should. And this IS financial advice. (Just not from an accredited anybody)
I'd like to buy a little bit but don't have the first idea how to do that.
Step 0) DO NOT open an account with a shady broker that may go bankrupt or has a history of fucking with GME
Step 1) Open an account with Fidelity
Step 1b) DO NOT open a margin account (even if you don't use margin, it allows them to lend your shares)
Step 2) Link your bank account info
Step 3) Transfer funds
Step 4) Place a LIMIT ORDER for GME at a price at or above the current price
Step 5) Wait for it to be filled. If the price rises a lot before your order fills, repeat step 4, but this is uncommon.
Step 6) DO NOT on the way up, wait to sell until AFTER the squeeze is over and the price is coming down. This will take days, maybe even weeks, and there WILL be drops along the way. Don't fall for the first dip on the way up because you'll be selling at what institutional sellers are comfortable with. Institutional money owns a lot of GME, but retail (you and me) own more than enough to squeeze them all on our own and we have higher standards.
Don't sell at a price that is life changing for you, sell at a price that is life changing for them
Lastly, do it NOW, before it's too late
I went to Fidelity. Choose "Open a Brokerage Account"? name your beneficiaries, set investing goals, and begin the process of transferring money into your account..... I am totally ignorant about these things and do not want to give any information other than what is absolutely required. This is familiar territory for many but absolutely foreign to me.
Well I mean, you don't have to name anyone, if there's a skip just skip. But yeah, you're there to open a brokerage account.