she is the result of generations of democrats telling black people that they aren't shit because of someone else that's lighter in color than they are. the dems destroyed the black families in order to keep them addicted to the handouts of the leftist in gubmint in exchange for their votes. it's way past time to shut off the noise of victimism and and let people be victors of their own accord. how can minorities ever feel any self worth if those that they listen to and are addicted to treat them like human garbage.... meanwhile, their abusive masters get rich by keeping them poor.
she is the result of generations of democrats telling black people that they aren't shit because of someone else that's lighter in color than they are. the dems destroyed the black families in order to keep them addicted to the handouts of the leftist in gubmint in exchange for their votes. it's way past time to shut off the noise of victimism and and let people be victors of their own accord. how can minorities ever feel any self worth if those that they listen to and are addicted to treat them like human garbage.... meanwhile, their abusive masters get rich by keeping them poor.