We just a baby girl a month ago, and it's becoming obvious we are no longer safe in this country. Ontario is now tying re-openings to vaccination rates, and soon the public pressure to take the vaxx (combined with vaccine passports) will be too much. Toronto recently had pop-up clinic giving shots in arms without parental consent for age 12-18 and no health card.
We'd love to come join the brave patriots fighting for their country in the USA; Canada is lost. I don't wanna take anyone's job; I'm an entrepreneur that runs a successful livestreaming company for arts orgs.
I have some family near Phoenix, we're thinking about Florida as well, love what DeSantis is doing.
Just putting this out there in case there's any patriots near these areas that may be able to hook up a fellow patriot with ideas/advice, leads on good neighbourhoods, or maybe even able to hire me to help speed up the work visa process (we can come for 6 months right now, planning for January)
Help a medical refugee from a fallen country!
Hey man fellow Canadian been in the states since I was 8 so 24 years now. Anyways I live in Ohio but my brother and I run a real estate development company in both Florida and Ohio. If you are looking for some temp work, our Florida operations are central Florida and there are lots of nice areas around orlando. Such as St. Cloud, Deltona, Lakeland, clermont, eustis and many more. Could work out if you are looking for a temp job as you get your foot hold going with your regular business. Could be a laborer helping rehab and remodel homes with our crew. Let me know