The question has always been how to clean up (all of) the corruption, and have it stay clean.
If Trump cleaned it up, 'they' would regroup, corrupt whatever departments were necessary, and continue their corruption. It's easy for them to corrupt a department or two, as it is a (rather) small job.
But what if the people woke up? What if 'they' realized that 'the people' no longer believed the media? Is it possible to control an entire population when the spell is broken?
What if (nearly) the entire nation (or world) was aware of their evil, and was actively fighting back? Peacefully and lawfully, but actively.
And when/if 'they' continue their obstinate games, what if 'they' (figuratively) found themselves at the business ends of tens of millions of pitchforks?
'They' need to fear us, not Trump.
Eitherway the fallout is only ever short term.
What happened once the USSR fell and everyone was made aware of the media's lies? Books like the Gulag Archipelago and the Chernobyl incident explicitely revealed the man behind the curtain.
What about WW2 and Nazi Germany? My entire life I was lectured about the crimes of the Nazi's. Book burnings. Censorship. Forced medical procedures without consent. I was told this was all wrong and not to repeat the horrors of the past. Yet here we are once again, where the same people that lectured me in the past are supporting the same evils they previously opposed.
In both scenarios people went back to sleep and the marxists just continued their infiltration of our government departments. The only way to stop them is to cut off their food source.
God has the big guns