posted ago by Aegonthe1st ago by Aegonthe1st +142 / -0

Bheki Cele is the corrupt, mafia minister of Police and the draconian authority behind our lockdowns.

CELE encourages public participation; “There is no right to bear arms in our Constitution and the Firearm Control Act in its current form grants no such right to citizens. Owning a gun in this country remains a privilege made possible through the FCA,”


Perhaps the entire globe should have a say on the right to a firearm for self defense? Do so at the link NOW (this is NOT a petition - it is a legal process required to amend an Act) Your voice counts.


Please bear in mind dearSA is not some petition site like change.org. They are an official way in which commentary can be delivered to the gov. They have an excellent track record of stopping horrible bills, most notable one I can remember was a bill regulating hate speech.

Please share, thank you!

Edit: Just want to thank everyone that signed. To give you an idea, Comrade Cele came out yesterday to do a press briefing in response to the "overwhelming" number of comments they received in just two days. The number stood at 17000. Just one day later the number is 42 000!!!!! Thank you so much for helping!