We can buy it on the Italy Amazon site.
Slippery elm is a God send for GERD and heartburn. Take it on an empty stomach. It lines the gut and has healing properties. It is one of the ingredients in Essiac tea used for cancer healing.
Why do they all look as if they share very similar genetics?
Eco-friendly too. That should please the greenies.
They didn't find one either the second time.
With reason. He was a total dictator. Nasty piece of work.
Love the heading. You made my day.
Totally agree. Because like most bleeding-heart liberals their mouth always writes a check they cannot/won't cash.
Says Hanoi Jane. Yawn
She would have been fired anyway. It's how these people will hang on to their pensions.
You can't fix stupid, but eventually stupid fixes itself.
Yes, but it still doesn't bring her back. A death that should never have happened.
Are they, are they really? Let's see the real stats.
Maybe more Libs should have the same health issues as Fetterman had. It switched him from a raving Democrat to a borderline Republican.
If true, the hunters are fast becoming the hunted.
True. I had 2 friends unfriend me on Facebook yesterday over political differences. People I have known for 30 years. Pretty sad but I don't hold a grudge because it isn't their fault. They have been lied to so often by so many, they really believe they are right and we are all Nazis and fascists.
Ken Paxton. No competition.
He shouldn't get too comfortable. Traitors, like him will be rounded up very shortly.
She could face 5 years?! Only???
Fuck this bitch. No one voted for her. An unelected bureaucrat lording over her minions. Fun fact. Free speech is a God-given right.
Traitors, the lot of them.
Enough plastic in her to host a Tupperware party.
I wouldn't think so. But who knows these days? Tunnel Bear is free.