Burn it in your head:
First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening. First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction. They will fight but you are ready. Marker [9]. Q
People seem to think a Trump arrest would trigger mass pop awakening, and I would disagree for a lot of reasons, however this isnt about my opinion. Q says the first indictment will, not the first arrest.
Trump's crimimal proceedings are on a state level in New York and therefore charges are filed by a district attorney; not by indictment.
If Trump is arrested, get ready for war; enough said.
As q said, even just one little pawn like Rachel Chandler (one of many elite child handlers) is enough to bring down all of Hollywood and US politicians.
Q has basically implied JE and GM worked for MOS as blackmail agents.
He also reminds us there are two aspects to JE
The child trafficking aspect
And the occult Temple aspect