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I'm so sick of these people..Seriously, what the fucking hell? And know they will force the poison on children? I will never forgive these fucking idiots, i loath them more then anything. If the majority of liberals die its a win in my book, useful worthless idiots who has committed their life to destroy the west. Fuck them, fuck these atheist to hell and let them burn forever. I have a bad taste in my mouth just when hearing these snarky idiots speak.
The only forgiveness they should ask is from god, they are my enemy. I don't give a flying fuck about people who says we should be "tolerant" and "understanding" to these maniacs. Fucking pedophile enablers and filth.
Sorry, had to get that one of my chest even if it is not the prudent thing to say or think but ffs. Carry on now.
I have to bite my tongue all day every day at work. I heard a girl yesterday joke with a male coworker about how people nowadays have no common sense...
Also this girl has said she wants to marry bill gates now that he's single, she has also complained about people not following mask mandates, and how unvaccinated people will take advantage of the mandate being lifted (kek). Also the other co-worker has a picture of George Kirby on his wall. I have Trump stuff on my car and nobody has ever mentioned it. HR sent out a mass email sending people coping resources regarding the Derek Chovin trial. Kinda odd situation I'm in. I just sit there and bite my tongue all day, listening to the most trivial normie shit. These people suck. Sigh.
Have you been asked to put your pronouns on your signature yet? I hate the double standards, if you were to talk to a fellow Trump supporter at work, HR would be notified and feelings would be hurt.
There's a guy at work who likes trump and he's from Egypt. We have the occasional discussion every now and then and we're always looking around before speaking so we aren't overheard by a lefty smh