LizabethD 1 point ago +1 / -0

I got the site name wrong The Post Millennial- it has been a long week

LizabethD 3 points ago +3 / -0

Also vaccines in animals, they are not needed annually. I have my vet run a titers panel to confirm my dog has the antibodies he needs. Before I did this and allowed the “required” vaccinations, my dogs were getting lymphoma. I rescue my dogs from shelters so they start off with a plethora of vaccines that I have no control over but I try to do what I can to reverse the damage. Thank you for posting, I’m trying to wake up my parents.

LizabethD 10 points ago +10 / -0

I just received an email that my PCP died due to a medical emergency at her home- she was only 43. I had a friend die in his sleep at 45 and also a neighbor who was a young 70. I am so sad for their families and hate that people are still falling for the shot.

LizabethD 2 points ago +2 / -0

This just makes me sad, so this will be in addition to getting boosted as well? I was hoping people would wake up with the sudden deaths, turbo cancers and still catching Covid to stop with the injections, yet we are the ones called idiots for not drinking the koolaid.

LizabethD 3 points ago +3 / -0

I remember reading about it on Voat, was it the pizzagate sub?

LizabethD 5 points ago +5 / -0

We were in Asheville over the weekend and it has turned into a shit show. People openly smoking crack on the sidewalks, homeless encampments under bridges, boobs on display, pooping in the open, my 16 YO son was shocked at how awful it was. We were there a few years ago and it is no longer the quaint town. My son said this is what you get voting for liberals.

LizabethD 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah, my dad is now taking two memantine tablets daily for his memory loss on top of 12 other drugs. I begged for him and my mom not to get the shots but Fox News scared them. Such a chicken little world and even after my father in law died shortly after getting the first one and my MIL had a stroke. My dad is a shell of the man he was and it is heartbreaking. A Vietnam Vet who flew helicopters and won many awards, served 20 years to start his own business to now forgetting what he ordered for lunch 5 minutes ago. I am curious if they provided red states with the degenerative juice like the rumors state? I pray for all our loved ones who believed the lies.

LizabethD 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep, a friend’s brother in his early 40s died in his sleep Friday night, overweight and boosted. I am dumbfounded by the people who still roll up their sleeves for this shot. And all the children who do not have a choice.

LizabethD 11 points ago +11 / -0

My liberal coworkers are thrilled they can get their 6 month YO not only the flu vaccines, but also the clot shots. The miscarriage one had after receiving the first MRNA shot should have set off alarms, but nope, she and others on my team are robots following the social norm. I thought more people would be awake by now.

LizabethD 1 point ago +1 / -0

I donated, I hate GFM since the Canadian trucker incident but hate knowing anyone is living with a dog out of his car. Thanks for letting us know about it and Merry Christmas.

LizabethD 2 points ago +2 / -0

Along with ivermectin, NAC (N-Acetylcysteine) has been amazing at clearing out my son’s lungs.

LizabethD 2 points ago +2 / -0

A funeral I went to did a reading from The Book of Revelation that needed to be heard by the vaxx pushing liberals. Yet they skipped the service by attending the viewing the previous night.

LizabethD 5 points ago +5 / -0

Nope, my liberal coworkers can’t see the shots causing their illnesses when their doctors are blaming their sudden diseases as being caused by Covid. One was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis and is going to start on Humira, blaming Covid, but she had the pain and inflammation before catching Covid. So many acquaintances dying in their sleep that is being pushed to undiagnosed blockage. I had to look up an address online for an in memory donation I was making and he was a registered Democrat. If I had the time I would do a database crosschecking obituaries to voter registries.

LizabethD 3 points ago +3 / -0

Today we attended another funeral of a friend who died in his sleep. He was the fifth male we’ve known who has not woken up after going to bed- aging in range of 52 to 74. All decently healthy weight and no glaring health concerns; common denominator was the clot shot. He had military honors and I wanted to ask the soldiers if there has been a rise in the requests for their participation in funerals.

by BQnita
LizabethD 7 points ago +7 / -0

Thank you for the link, my son drank soy formula and my husband asked our pediatrician about soy causing breasts in boys. He was blown off like it was nonsense, fast forward to puberty and our son has them. Thankfully he has always been athletic but he developed slower than his friends. I can’t imagine if he continued with ingesting soy products. He has been taking Thorne Multi-Vitamin Elite A.M. and P.M., hoping they can help with any damage the soy caused.

LizabethD 2 points ago +2 / -0

I watched https://rumble.com/vz2ucl-based-black-christian-father-fired-from-job-loses-everything-for-offending-.html this morning and seeing him get fired for speaking his mind resonated with me. I donated and wanted to put this out here if anyone else wants to or send a prayer his way. Thanks and have a wonderful weekend.

LizabethD 6 points ago +6 / -0

Oh yes, the one where Skippy was yelling call me daddy and the child was screaming/crying? It still haunts me and I wish I could erase that memory. Those poor children.

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