We are all a big alien experiment. Good, neutral and evil aliens experiment on us. Countries exist to prevent contamination of country experiments. States are called experiments of democracy...and they are also alien experiments. We have been treated like cattle by many types of aliens. Trump is an alien who's come to save us from an interdimensional alien called Moloch that eats life force and prefers the life force energy of the innocent. I could go on... what do you all think?
I think I am the 1% that, absolutely no truth could put me in the hospital. Do you feel similar?
Yeah, I have taken time down that rabbit hole if expected reality as well as many others. This one is very curious and in depth. Now, can we combine the -multiple resets- to the human population as an explanation as to why some hidden civilizations are decades more advanced then us plebs, as they have never been reset back to the start so are living life on a "real timeline". lol.
Yes, in fact both theories can coexist.
The dangers of the low population/high fear model is the risk of over farming humans to the point where they're forced underground for generations while earth repopulates.
Then we can add in a spirital element that doesn't conflict either.
That is Earth is hell, accepting Jesus releases the soul from the cycle of life on Earth. Truth of Jesus would negate any fear if it was a known and accepted scientific fact that there is in fact eternal life awaiting us. Not ideal if you are trying to run your civiliaztion off negative energy. The impact of faith would be exponentially more devastating the smaller the population.