posted ago by aumone ago by aumone +56 / -0

So let me get this straight. The "woke" corporations, many which receive tax paid government subsidies, are complaining about the white population.

So let me ask a question, folks. Considering the percentage of white people in this Country, what do you think would happen if ALL the white people in this Country refused to pay their taxes?

How about a class action lawsuit against these outfits while we not only boycott them, but stop paying taxes that subsidize them?

It's time to change their Woke status to Broke status.

And while we are at let's do all we can to remove the CCP from this Country.

If you don't listen to Deception Bytes on Rumble- please listen to today's podcast and be prepared to be pissed!

This Country is being bought out piece by piece by piece by China.

If Trump is not back soon there won't be an America to come back to.

Now back to my dishes.....?