posted ago by valley-lily ago by valley-lily +26 / -0

---I just had this pop into my head this morning and wanted to write it down for others to think about.

---We, of course, don't know exactly when or how Trump will return. I suppose we don't even know IF he will, but that seems the most likely scenario (If Q said something specifically stating that Trump would be in charge again someone correct me on this). BUT his statement about "something needs to be done before 2022" should be taken at face value. 2022 meaning the mid-term elections, not the New Year, otherwise we'd only have to suffer this clown world for a few more months, but that doesn't seem to be the case. SO, I'm assuming this could mean Trump would be back in office by or before mid-terms 2022.

---Okay, sounds good right? Yeah, but then I started to speculate on when people would start dropping like flies from the vax. We've already seen thousands die from it, but it's not enough to "cause alarm" to normies and lefties. But when they're really supposed to start croaking is about 1-2 years after they've had the vax. For most that would be from January 2022 to January 2023.

---If Trump is back in charge around November 2022, then any and all deaths that happen due to the vax after that point will be blamed on him. Any deaths before that point might be blamed on Biden, but you know the MSM, they always find a way to pin it on Trump, even if he's not in charge. But if he WAS in charge we can place a safe bet that they would FEAST on the chance to pin the deaths on him.

---So I'm just a little worried that either Trump will be blamed for the massive deaths, or that he must wait until the "culling" is over to pick up the pieces and take charge from there to restore America once again. So we wouldn't have Trump back for 2 or 3 years.

---Everyone's thoughts?