What a depressing heathen, that host. How many times did he have to qualify this with a subtle reinforcement of his BELIEF that "there is no God". That's PBS for ya.
Not really, actually no not at all, the bias is implied, but he's talking about a physics experiment with extraordinary results, not theology, miracles or ancient texts
^^ also your comment feels like 'our' equivalent of virtue signaling/taking offense from feelings-unrelated discussion
I get what you're saying, I'm definitely guilty of taking offense. But not virtue signaling, I could just do without the passive aggressive assertions of his worldview. He dismisses metaphysics outright even though there is no explanation, but I think the ending is what got me, where he talks about doom and gloom, how the world will certainly end, stated as a fact.
Fair enough, these people are generally dicks. It's exhausting, but things like this video help our cause IMO, regardless of the tone, because they introduce the idea of "what you see might not be how it is, also we don't know shit yet and the best is yet to come."
Also, I really appreciate you and this community for not flipping the f out when someone presents a differing take. You have my respect ?
What a depressing heathen, that host. How many times did he have to qualify this with a subtle reinforcement of his BELIEF that "there is no God". That's PBS for ya.
Not really, actually no not at all, the bias is implied, but he's talking about a physics experiment with extraordinary results, not theology, miracles or ancient texts
^^ also your comment feels like 'our' equivalent of virtue signaling/taking offense from feelings-unrelated discussion
I get what you're saying, I'm definitely guilty of taking offense. But not virtue signaling, I could just do without the passive aggressive assertions of his worldview. He dismisses metaphysics outright even though there is no explanation, but I think the ending is what got me, where he talks about doom and gloom, how the world will certainly end, stated as a fact.
Fair enough, these people are generally dicks. It's exhausting, but things like this video help our cause IMO, regardless of the tone, because they introduce the idea of "what you see might not be how it is, also we don't know shit yet and the best is yet to come."
Also, I really appreciate you and this community for not flipping the f out when someone presents a differing take. You have my respect ?