Metallurgists are scientists, while blacksmiths use the hammer.
Blacksmithing relies on metallurgy as medicine relies on biology, virology, chemistry,
...We're a complex, deeply conflicted people. Governing us is like herding cats.
Therefore we needed a bit more forging.
Trump the metallurgist let Joe the blacksmith do the final forging.
Thomas Wictor @[email protected]
I am fully behind Wictors devolution theories and what is going on behind the scenes with CoG rules and FEMA, military. It explains a lot of the unexplainable. His Syria/ISIS/GCC stuff was very good too.
Yeah..., he takes the twisted/convoluted chess board and explains the moves so an amateur can understand it. I think Wictor has at least a 20,000 foot view. His understanding of military strategy is phenomenal. As for the post above claiming he has gotten parts wrong - well so have we all and, it's not over yet.
All anyone has are theories and conjecture. If we had more, so would the enemy and the entire plan doomed to fail.
President Trumps EO's in the two years before the election were brilliantly orchestrated and fit the devolution theories like a glove. Wictor getting something wrong about something else doesnt negate that.